We also have some setbacks... a contractor who suddenly just doesn't come, no plumber or electrician to be found. And when we had a plumber, the water in the kitchen came from a different supply than from our main tap, so the kitchen was full of water. We had to wait for Vitens to find out where it came from, but fortunately the plumber was able to fix everyting immediately and now all connections are ready, the sink has been installed and we have hot and cold water!
The electrician suddenly came very quickly from an unexpected corner, and is now busy installing the new sockets and pipes in a responsible and safe manner.
Meanwhile Jimy has whitewashed the cooking kitchen with some dear family members, and we are now waiting for the waterproof concrete paint for the floor, unfortunately thanks to the farmers' protests, our paint is late coming in.
Once the floor is coated, however, it goes quickly, all workbenches and equipment are in storage eager to be installed, so after that we can quickly get to work at our new place.
Every time we walk in, we are happy with that wonderful large space, what a luxury!

We are now temporarily renting a kitchen for the large catering of groups and parties, which of course works fine, but it will soon be wonderful to be boss in our own place again.
For the meal service it means that unfortunately you have to wait a little longer, we're sorry, and of course we miss everyone. But it will taste even better when we are finished...
Greetings from Frédérique and Jimmy